
Find parents from GBMDV record - help please? -
Find parents from GBMDV record - help please?
Envoyé le: dimanche 14 janvier 2018 12:05

Inscrit le: 21/11/2017
Messages: 5
Firstly I apologise but I don't speak French. Hopefully someone can still help. I've found the birth record on GBMDV for

Auguste Louis Aline born 14/12/1826 (GBMDV says 15/12)
Acte No 511700000851711234
Paris 12e (75)

However no parents are given. Is it possible to trace his parents? If so can anyone tell me where to look.

Thank you for your help.

Find parents from GBMDV record - help please?
Envoyé le: dimanche 14 janvier 2018 12:27

Inscrit le: 14/07/2011
Messages: 779
Hello Michelle,

What GBMDV means ?
And can you precise the last name (the 3 names you give are first names in French...) ?

Concerning Paris, all civil status documents have been destroyed in 1871 (fire). Some of them have been reestablished (called "Etat-Civil reconstitué")

Follow this link :
May be you'll find him...
Don't hesitate if you need more help !


Find parents from GBMDV record - help please?
Envoyé le: dimanche 14 janvier 2018 12:47

Inscrit le: 27/09/2009
Messages: 249
Here is his death certificate, the name of the parents is on it.
Prosper ALINE and Marie? . unknown name
Deceased 30 June 1876 - Le Havre

Find parents from GBMDV record - help please?
Envoyé le: dimanche 14 janvier 2018 19:22

Inscrit le: 21/11/2017
Messages: 5
Thank you both for your speedy reply.

Dalila - His surname is Aline. First names Auguste Louis. The record is Relevé d'Etat Civil de GBMDV

Marcel - Thank you for taking the time to find his death certificate but I should have said I had already found this. However I can't find any record of a Prosper Aline. Augustes marriage certificate says his father is Pierre Aline, but again I haven't found anyone by this name. His mother is only known as Marie on his death certificate. That's why I had hoped to trace his birth certificate and find his parents true names and maybe ages or location etc.

Find parents from GBMDV record - help please?
Envoyé le: dimanche 14 janvier 2018 22:04

Inscrit le: 14/07/2011
Messages: 779

The best way is to look for :
- the birth certificate "reconstitué" (microfilm)
- the military census (year 1846)
- and finally a baptismal certificate (we know he was born in the 12ème district, BUT not in which church he was baptized... It won't be easy...)

But these data are not available on Internet. Need to go to the "Archives de Paris" !

Do you know somebody living in Paris who could move to the Archives ?

Find parents from GBMDV record - help please?
Envoyé le: mardi 16 janvier 2018 22:58

Inscrit le: 21/11/2017
Messages: 5
Thank you again Dalila. Unfortunately no I don't know anyone in Paris. So I won't be able to further my search any time soon. But at least now I'm armed with the information I need to at least start, if I get to Paris.

Thanks again.
Find parents from GBMDV record - help please?
Envoyé le: mercredi 17 janvier 2018 07:42

Inscrit le: 14/07/2011
Messages: 779
Hello Michelle,
Can you send me your mail address by private messagng ? In case I find someone who can help you.. but it won't be immediate...
Find parents from GBMDV record - help please?
Envoyé le: mercredi 17 janvier 2018 11:37

Inscrit le: 21/10/2005
Messages: 11 496
Hello Michelle

No certificate of birth in "actes reconstitués" for 1826Sad

Find parents from GBMDV record - help please?
Envoyé le: mercredi 17 janvier 2018 12:03

Inscrit le: 08/08/2010
Messages: 204
Hello Janine,

Why do you say that there is no certificate of birth ?
Image 84 of the link you give , there is a note who seems to match with the informations Michelle gave.


Find parents from GBMDV record - help please?
Envoyé le: mercredi 17 janvier 2018 13:44

Inscrit le: 21/10/2005
Messages: 11 496
Coucou Marie-Joëlle

Sorry, I just need new glasses !!!!!!!!

OUPS !!!

Find parents from GBMDV record - help please?
Envoyé le: jeudi 18 janvier 2018 20:41

Inscrit le: 21/11/2017
Messages: 5
Thank you all for trying to help. It's really good of you all to come to the aid of a stranger. Unfortunately the certificate has the most basic of information. Just a note that he was born and not really anything to help me find his parents or siblings.

Thank you all again.
Find parents from GBMDV record - help please?
Envoyé le: jeudi 18 janvier 2018 21:37

Inscrit le: 20/04/2006
Messages: 139
Bonsoir Michelle

excusez moi que recherchez vous l'acte de naissance d'Auguste Louis Aline né le 14/12/1826 ? si j'ai bien compris vous ne l'avez pas ?

Je peut peut être vous aider


Find parents from GBMDV record - help please?
Envoyé le: vendredi 19 janvier 2018 07:56

Inscrit le: 14/07/2011
Messages: 779
Bonjour Micheline,
Oui, c'est bien l'acte de naissance qu'elle recherche. Car sur son avis de décès sur lequel ne figure que le prénom de la mère, Marie... Si vous pouvez l'aider, ce serait top !
Bonne journée
Find parents from GBMDV record - help please?
Envoyé le: samedi 20 janvier 2018 13:28

Inscrit le: 21/10/2005
Messages: 11 496
Shelley n'a trouvé que la "vignette" de l'acte reconstitué qui est en ligne...

Il faudrait qu'un(E) bénévole le recherche sur les microfilms aux AD

Find parents from GBMDV record - help please?
Envoyé le: dimanche 21 janvier 2018 15:58

Inscrit le: 20/04/2006
Messages: 139
Bonjour Dalila et Janine

moi je veut bien donnner des pistes mais il faudrait que Michelle se manifeste quand même , je veux bien aider mais pas faire à sa place .

Find parents from GBMDV record - help please?
Envoyé le: mardi 23 janvier 2018 00:53

Inscrit le: 21/11/2017
Messages: 5
Hi all, and thank you again for your time. I am struggling a bit with the translating, so please forgive me.

I know when and where Auguste was born and I would like to find out who his parents were.

I have found the death certificate online. It says Auguste Louis Alines father is Prosper Aline and his mother is Marie.

I've also found a short birth record online. It only shows his date of birth, name and where he was born. No parents shown.

He married in the UK. His marriage certificate says his father was Pierre Aline. Not Prosper Aline.

I've searched online for a full record of his birth. One that shows his parents names. But I haven't found one. Just the short record I mentioned.

I can't find a Prosper Aline. There are several with Pierre in the name, but nothing that I can connect with Auguste.

So any help or suggestions of what I can do or how I may possibly find Augustes parents, would be really appreciated.

Thank you again everyone for you help so far.

Find parents from GBMDV record - help please?
Envoyé le: mardi 23 janvier 2018 08:54

Inscrit le: 21/10/2005
Messages: 11 496
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