
Benoit Rivard
Envoyé le: lundi 6 septembre 2004 02:00

Inscrit le: 06/09/2004
Messages: 1
Je recherche des informations sur Andreas KOCH, mercenaire allemand, marié à Josephe Benoit. Il était le fils de Pierre KOCH et de Charlotte Couchemagne.

Benoit Rivard
Envoyé le: mardi 15 février 2005 11:45

Inscrit le: 23/12/2004
Messages: 38
bonjour mon pere s'apellait charles koch et était nee en allemagne
Envoyé le: mardi 1 mars 2005 02:43

Inscrit le: 28/02/2005
Messages: 2
Dear Mrs,

I am from Brazil, state of Santa Catarina, the most importat state where German Immigrants and their families arrived in the last centuries.

I am searching my grangranfather, EMIL KOCH, son of Carolina Koch, (I don´t know how called his father, but his mother arrived in Brazil with a second husband, who called Fritz Ianka). EMIL was born in Colberg. His birth was april, 20 of 1863. When he came to Brazil he was twenty years old, and die in 1944.

Is a very hard research, because I don´t speak German Idiom. Could you help me, please?

If you send to me some adresses or explanations about how find a registry im Germany, I will appreciate very much.

Thank You, a lot

Jeane Koch
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